Saturday, 9 February 2013

Even From Here

Clarence Fisher { @glassbeed | } who teaches in Snow Lake, Manitoba shared with my class over skype.


  1. Great representation of the presentation man!

  2. I have never seen something like this on anyones blog posts yet!! I LOVE IT!! So cool!! Way better than powerpoint haha!! That was a great summary of what Clarence was trying to get across to us! I agree with all of it, and I think he had a lot of valuable points for us to ponder. We need to bring technology into the classroom and make it about engagement and creation. Awesome post, I enjoyed this!

  3. This is excellent Tyler. What a creative way to share the ideas Clarence discussed! Loved it. Favourite slide - "memorization is going away" - nowadays you can just ask Siri!

  4. What a great way to highlight the points of Clarence's talk. I love how you try different ways of representing, Tyler. I learn lots from you!
